Notion Integration


Bugsee requires the "Projects and tasks" template to be present in the workspace you want to integrate with. To learn more about that template, please refer to "Getting started with projects and tasks" page in Notion documentation.

During the authentication process you will be asked to grant Bugsee the access to your workspace in Notion. Make sure you select both "Projects" and "Tasks" databases.

Once authenticated, you will need to add the "Description" field to the task template. You can do that by creating the dummy task, opening it and clicking on "Add a property" button below the task fields (not, that this button may be collapsed under the "# more property" toggle).

Add description field


Supported authentication methods


Select "OAuth" in the first step of integration wizard. Click "Next".

Select OAuth

You will be presented with dialog asking you to authorize Bugsee. Click Select pages to allow Bugsee access your Notion account.

OAuth Grant

Make sure you select both "Projects" and "Tasks" items in the next step to grant access to them. Click "Allow access" to proceed.

OAuth Grant: Select databases

Next you will need to choose the Projects database.

Choose Team

Then you will need to choose the Tasks database.

Choose Team


There are no any specific configuration steps for Microsoft Teams. Refer to configuration section for description about generic steps.

Custom recipes

Setting assignee

By default Bugsee does not set assignee for the task. You can override this behavior by using the following custom recipe:

function create(context) {
    // ...

    return {
        // ...

        custom: {
            Assignee: {
                type: "people",
                people: [
                    { id: "<notion-user-unique-id>" }