Crash reports

Bugsee automatically intercepts uncaught exceptions and sends crash reports on app restart.


When ProGuard/R8 is used, crash reports are likely to have obfuscated parts in them. In order to process them a matching mapping.txt has to be uploaded to Bugsee servers. The mapping can be uploaded manually at any time, but Bugsee also provides a special mechanism to upload mapping files automatically at build time using a gradle plugin.

With classpath

Add the following code to your build.gradle or build.gradle.kts in the root of your project (your project's or app module's build.gradle file) to initiate Bugsee gradle plugin when appropriate:


buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath ''

        // Add Bugsee plugin as a dependency
        classpath 'com.bugsee:bugsee-android-gradle-plugin:3+' 


buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {

        // Add Bugsee plugin as a dependency

And now add the following line to your build.gradle or build.gradle.kts in app folder (app/feature module's build.gradle file)


// !!! This line is already in your app/feature module's build.gradle file
apply plugin: ''

// Activate Bugsee plugin

apply plugin: ''

// With "com.bugsee:bugsee-android-gradle-plugin" version 3.3 and below,
// you should use
// apply plugin: 'bugsee'


// Add Bugsee plugin to "plugins" section in your app/feature module's build.gradle.kts file
plugins {
    // Other plugins

    // Activate Bugsee plugin

    // With "com.bugsee:bugsee-android-gradle-plugin" version 3.3 and below,
    // you should use
    // id("bugsee")

Plugins block with ID

If you want to load plugin by "id" then you should use the following constructs. Note that support for it was added in version 3.4 of Bugsee Android Gradle Plugin:


plugins {
    id "" version "3+"


// Activate Bugsee plugin
plugins {
    id("") version "3+"

Using the plugin

Application token is required to associate the uploaded mapping file with the right application. If you have the single app token for all build variants, you might add the following section to the app/feature module's build.gradle file


bugsee {
    appToken '<your_app_token>'


bugsee {

But if you have several app tokens for different build variants, you can provide Bugsee plugin with closure


bugsee {
    appToken { variant ->
        switch ( { // Check build type or any other condition based on a given BaseVariant.
            case 'release': '<release app token>'
            case 'qa': '<qa app token>'


class MyAppTokenProvider : {
    override fun getAppToken(variant : : String? {
        return when ( {
            "release" -> "<release app token>"
            "qa" -> "<qa app token>"
            else -> null

bugsee {

Proguard optimization

If you enable ProGuard optimization by, for example, adding 'proguard-android-optimize.txt' to proguardFiles list, it is necessary to add the following ProGuard rule:

-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!code/simplification/cast,!field/*,!class/merging/*,!code/allocation/variable 

First part is taken from standard 'proguard-android-optimize.txt' file and last part '!code/allocation/variable' is added in order to compile with Bugsee.

Special cases

If you use other libraries, which intercept uncaught exceptions, Bugsee.launch() method should be called after all these libraries are initialized. When uncaught exceptions occurs, Bugsee will inform these libraries about exception.

If you set uncaught exceptions handler in your app using Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler() method after calling Bugsee.launch(), you should call Bugsee.onUncaughtException() method from your handler:


private final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler mExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
        public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) {
            Bugsee.onUncaughtException(thread, ex);

            // App specific exception handling.


private val mExceptionHandler = Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler { thread, ex ->
    Bugsee.onUncaughtException(thread, ex)

    // App specific exception handling.

Native crashes (NDK)

Starting with version 5.7.0 of Bugsee Android SDK, Bugsee supports native crashes interception. It's an experimental feature and should be used with caution in production builds.

Native symbols collection

To collect native symbols you need to install Bugsee Gradle plugin version 3.6 or above. Please see the instructions in the sections above on how to install it.

Once installed, you need to instruct the plugin to collect native symbols. To do this, you need to add the following property to your app/feature module's build.gradle file:


bugsee {
    appToken '<your_app_token>'
    ndk true // <--- add this line


bugsee {
    ndk(true) // <--- add this line

Next, you need to tweak your build process to make it produce the native symbols. This is done by setting debugSymbolLevel to the appropriate value. There are two possible values:

debugSymbolLevel should be set in your build.gradle file like follows:


buildTypes {
    release {
        // ... other build type settings ...

        ndk {
            debugSymbolLevel 'FULL'


buildTypes {
    release {
        // ... other build type settings ...

        ndk {
            debugSymbolLevel = "FULL"

You can also set debugSymbolLevel globally by setting it in the defaultConfig block:


android {
defaultConfig {
    ndk {
            debugSymbolLevel = "FULL"


android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            debugSymbolLevel = "full"