Privacy and data cleanup

Bugsee SDK does not continuously stream any personal data. The collected data and the reports built from it are stored locally on the device. In some specific cases, there might be a need to clean up the data stored on the disk.

Data cleanup

Bugsee SDK provides a way to clean up the data stored on the disk. This can be useful in cases when you want to remove all the data collected by Bugsee from the device.

Note that this API does not delete the session-related data, such as attributes. To cleanup up those, use corresponding API (e.g. [Bugsee clearAllAttributes])


// Bugsee must be stopped before deleting the data
[Bugsee stop:^{
    // Clean up all the data stored on the disk
    [Bugsee deleteCollectedDataOnDevice:^(BOOL success) {
        NSString *message = success ? @"Data deleted successfully" : @"Failed to delete data";
        NSLog(@"CollectedDataDeletion: %@", message);


// Bugsee must be stopped before deleting the data
Bugsee.stop {
    // Clean up all the data stored on the disk
    Bugsee.deleteCollectedDataOnDevice { success in
        let message = success ? "Data deleted successfully" : "Failed to delete data"
        print("CollectedDataDeletion: \(message)")