Privacy and console logs

Disabling log collection

Console log collection can be disabled completely using CaptureLogs launch option. See configuration for more info.

Sanitizing console logs

Bugsee automatically captures all standard applications console logs, but they can be protected as well.

For every event to be recorded, Bugsee will call your method and provide you with an object implementing IBugseeLogEvent. It is your method's responsibility to clean up all user identifiable data from that structure and call provided handler() to pass it back to Bugsee.

Providing handler

You should pass a callback method (either as delegate or anonymous function) of BugseeLogEventFilterHandler to Bugsee.SetLogFilter().

var rgx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("Internal:.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

Bugsee.SetLogFilter(delegate (IBugseeLogEvent logEvent, BugseeLogEventFilterDecisionHandler handler)
    logEvent.Message = rgx.Replace(logEvent.Message, "<redacted>");

    // Pass null here to filter out that event

// To stop using provided filter callback, just pass null