Privacy and video
Disabling video
Video recording can be disabled completely using VideoEnabled launch option. See configuration for more info.
Marking view as protected in code
using BugseePlugin;
// ...
// make view protected
using BugseePlugin;
// ...
var button = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.myButton);
// make view protected
Protecting by coordinates
Bugsee allows hiding screen area by absolute coordinates as well:
Note: BugseeSecureRect coordinates are in pixels, with origin (0,0) being the top left corner.
// Coordinates are: X, Y, Width, Height
// Add secure rect
Bugsee.AddSecureRect(new BugseeSecureRect(10, 10, 100, 100));
// Remove secure rect
Bugsee.RemoveSecureRect(new BugseeSecureRect(10, 10, 100, 100));
// Remove all rectangles
// Get all rectangles as BugseeSecureRect[]
You need to be aware of the orientation that can be changed during application work. Recreate all rectangles after orientation change, if 'black box' on video does not cover all secure data that you need.
Hiding keyboard (iOS only)
In some cases you might want to prevent keyboard to be captured on video (as well as touches). You can use the following method to achieve the desired effect.
// To let us capture keyboard
// To prevent keyboard from being captured