Event-based recipes

These recipes handle data that is collected when some event is raised. For now, the list of supported events includes:

For simplicity, we unified the data structures passed to the handle() method to the ones being used in Webhooks. So, for details, on what data is available for each of the events listed above, refer to the Webhook events.

function handle(event) {
    const result = {};

    // To get familiar with recipes, please, refer to the docs
    // https://docs.bugsee.com/integrations/

    const eventType = event.type;
    const payload = event.payload;

    if (eventType === 'issue.created') {
        const issue = payload.issue;

        result.title = `${issue.key || '<#>'}: ${issue.summary || 'No summary'} [Bugsee]`;

    result.fields = [
        // Add custom fields here that will be displayed with the message.
        // Each field is represented as { title: '', value: '' }

    return result;

Note, that result is not used as is. Before executing the recipe, a default message object is constructed. Then, when recipe result is received, it extends that default object (replaces the default values on corresponding fields).

result object is constructed from the following fields:

Field Type Description
title String Title of the message
description String Description for the message
severity Number Message severity. Value from 1 through 5 (from lower to higher). Pass 0 to ignore severity.
fields Array Array of { title: '', value: '' } objects, that denote the additional fields for the message.

If you want to prevent pushing message to remote service, return null from the handle().