
You can always change colors of the Report and Feedback UI.

// For example
Bugsee.Appearance.Report.BackgroundColor = BugseeColor.Red;
Bugsee.Appearance.Feedback.BackgroundColor = BugseeColor.Blue;

// ...
// Other colors you can find in Bugsee.Appearance.Report and Bugsee.Appearance.Feedback

iOS appearance options

Report appearance options

Property Description
BackgroundColor Background color of Report Controller
BarsColor Navigation bar and bottom bar colors
CellBackgroundColor UITableView cells background color
CloseButtonColor Close UIButton cross color
NavigationBarColor UINavigation bar background color
PlaceholderColor UIInputFields placeholder color
SendButtonColor Send UIButton text color
TextColor UILabels text color
VersionColor UILabel with version number text color
--- ---
SummaryPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Summary field in built-in bug reporting UI
DescriptionPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Description field in built-in bug reporting UI
EmailPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Email field in built-in bug reporting UI
LabelsPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Labels field in built-in bug reporting UI

Feedback appearance options

Property Description
BackgroundColor Background color of feedback controller
CloseButtonColor Close UIButton cross color
EmailBackgroundColor Ask for email popup background color
EmailContinueActiveColor Ask for email continue button background color
EmailContinueNotActiveColor Ask for email continue not active button background color
EmailSkipColor Ask for email popup skip button text color
IncomingBubbleColor Incoming message bubble background color
IncomingTextColor Incoming message text color
InputTextColor Input message text color
NavigationBarColor UINavigationBar color
OutgoingBubbleColor Outgoing message bubble background color
OutgoingTextColor Outgoing message text color
TitleTextColor UINavigationBar title color

Android appearance options

Report appearance options

Property Description
ActionBarButtonBackgroundClickedColor Action bar buttons background color in clicked state in Report UI
ActionBarColor Action bar background color in Report UI
ActionBarTextColor Action bar buttons text color in Report UI
BackgroundColor Report UI background color
EditTextBackgroundColor EditTexts background color in Report UI
HintColor EditTexts hint text color in Report UI
SeverityLabelActiveColor Issue severity label text color in active state in Report UI
TextColor TextViews and EditTexts text color in Report UI
VersionColor Bugsee version number view text color in Report UI
--- ---
SummaryPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Summary field in built-in bug reporting UI
DescriptionPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Description field in built-in bug reporting UI
EmailPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Email field in built-in bug reporting UI
LabelsPlaceholder Placeholder which is displayed in Labels field in built-in bug reporting UI

Feedback appearance options

Property Description
ActionBarButtonBackgroundClickedColor Action bar buttons background color in clicked state in Feedback UI
ActionBarColor Action bar background color in Feedback UI
BackgroundColor Feedback UI background color
BottomDelimiterColor Color of delimiter between message list and EditText for new message inputting in Feedback UI
DateTextColor Message date text color in Feedback UI
EmailBackgroundColor Ask for email dialog background color in Feedback UI
EmailContinueActiveColor Ask for email dialog "Continue" button background color in enabled state in Feedback UI
EmailContinueClickedColor Ask for email dialog "Continue" button background color in clicked state in Feedback UI
EmailContinueNotActiveColor Ask for email dialog "Continue" button background color in disabled state in Feedback UI
EmailSkipBackgroundClickedColor Ask for email dialog "Skip" button background color in clicked state in Feedback UI
EmailSkipTextColor Ask for email dialog "Skip" button text color in Feedback UI
ErrorTextColor Error description text color in Feedback UI
IncomingBubbleColor Incoming message bubble background color in Feedback UI
IncomingTextColor Incoming message text color in Feedback UI
InputTextColor Input message text color in Feedback UI
InputTextHintColor Input message hint text color in Feedback UI
LoadingBarBackgroundColor Background color of a bar in Feedback UI, which indicates loading state and shows error information if any
LoadingTextColor Text color in a bar, which indicates loading state in Feedback UI
OutgoingBubbleColor Outgoing message bubble background color in Feedback UI
OutgoingTextColor Outgoing message text color in Feedback UI
TitleTextColor Action bar title text color in Feedback UI
VersionChangedBackgroundColor Background color of a bar in Feedback UI, which indicates that app version has changed
VersionChangedTextColor Text color in a bar in Feedback UI, which indicates that app version has changed