
Launching with options

Bugsee behavior is very customizable, if default configuration is not satisfying your needs you can launch the SDK with additional parameters. You'll need to create partial class BugseeLauncher within namespace BugseePlugin in a separate file. Use instance of IOSLaunchOptions or AndroidLaunchOptions for corresponding platform to change Bugsee behavior.

namespace BugseePlugin
    public partial class BugseeLauncher
        static BugseeLauncher()
            AndroidOptionsHandler = GetAndroidOptions;
            IosOptionsHandler = GetIosOptions;

        private static AndroidLaunchOptions GetAndroidOptions()
            return new AndroidLaunchOptions()
                // Set custom Android launch options here.
                VideoEnabled = false

        private static IOSLaunchOptions GetIosOptions()
            return new IOSLaunchOptions()
                // Set custom iOS launch options here. 
                MonitorNetwork = false


Stopping will fully stop the SDK operation and clean up all the used resources. The operation may take a while to complete.



Stopping will fully stop the SDK operation and clean up all the used resources. Upon completion it will relaunch it again with new options.

BugseeLaunchOptions options = ...;

Available Options

For iOS

Key Default Notes
CaptureLogs true Automatically capture all console logs
CrashReport true Catch and report application crashes (*)
DefaultBugPriority Low Default priority for bugs
DefaultCrashPriority Blocker Default priority for crashes
KillDetection false Detect abnormal termination (experimental, read more)
MaxRecordingTime 60 Maximum recording duration
MonitorNetwork true Capture network traffic
ReportPrioritySelector false Allow user to modify priority when reporting manual
ScreenshotToReport true Screenshot key to trigger report
ShakeToReport false Shake gesture to trigger report
Style Default Enumeration of Default, Dark and BasedOnStatusBar
VideoEnabled true Enable video recording
FrameRate High Specifies how often frames are captured
ScreenshotEnabled true Attach screenshot to a report. Note, that if VideoEnabled option is false, default value of this option is false too.
WifiOnlyUpload false Upload reports only when a device is connected to a WiFi network
MaxDataSize 50 Bugsee will avoid using more disk space than specified (in MB). If total Bugsee data size exceeds specified value, oldest recordings (even not sent) will be removed. Value should not be smaller than 10
VideoScale 1.0 Additional down scaling applied to recorded video, (e.g., 0.5 would reduce both width and height by half).
CaptureDeviceAndNetworkNames true Capture device name, wifi SSID and mobile carrier name.
* iOS allows only one crash detector to be active at a time, if you insist on using an alternative solution for handling crashes, you might want to use this option and disable Bugsee from taking over.

For Android

Key Default Notes
CaptureLogs true Automatically capture all console logs
CrashReport true Catch and report application crashes
DefaultBugPriority High Default priority for bugs
DefaultCrashPriority Blocker Default priority for crashes
VideoMode V3 Screen capture mechanism. Video modes comparison is presented below in Video modes comparison section. Before 3.3.0, VideoMode had default value of None.
FrameRate High Specifies how often frames are captured
LogLevel Verbose Minimal log level of Logcat messages, which will be attached to report
MaxDataSize 50 Maximum disk space consumed by Bugsee
MaxRecordingTime 60 Maximum recording duration
MonitorNetwork true Capture network traffic
ReportPrioritySelector false Allow user to modify priority when reporting manual
NotificationBarTrigger true Trigger report from notification bar
ScreenshotEnabled true Attach screenshot to a report. Note, that if VideoEnabled option is false, default value of this option is false too.
ServiceMode false Used, when Bugsee is launched from service. No video and no visual controls available. Recording continues even in background.
ShakeToTrigger true Shake gesture to trigger report
VideoEnabled true Enable video recording
WifiOnlyUpload false Upload reports only when a device is connected to a WiFi network
VideoScale 1.0 Additional down scaling applied to recorded video, (e.g., 0.5 would reduce both width and height by half).
CaptureDeviceAndNetworkNames true Capture device name, wifi SSID and mobile carrier name.
Android video modes comparison
Mode name Captures SurfaceView (GlSurfaceView, VideoView, MapView, etc.) Captures system views (keyboard, status bar, etc.) Requires user confirmation Minimal supported Android API level
VideoMode.V1 - - - 21
VideoMode.V2** + + + 21
VideoMode.V3*** + - - 24
VideoMove.V4**** + - - 21

Built-in reporting UI adjustments

Alongside stylistic changes, you can also change the placeholders' texts shown in input controls within the built-in bug reporting UI

Bugsee.Appearance.Report.SummaryPlaceholder = "What's happened? Only shortly";
Bugsee.Appearance.Report.DescriptionPlaceholder = "Here, describe all the pains and frustrations you had. In details";
Bugsee.Appearance.Report.EmailPlaceholder = "Identify yourself here";
Bugsee.Appearance.Report.LabelsPlaceholder = "Labels.For.Developers. [Comma separated]";

**VideoMode.V2: Starting Android 9 it requires FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission. Starting Android 14 it requires additional FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MEDIA_PROJECTION permission. If you want to use V2 mode, your application will have to declare these permissions in manifest.

***VideoMode.V3: On Samsung devices, VideoMode.V3 will work only on Android 8 and up. Earlier versions of Android on Samsung devices are known to have issues when VideoMode.V3 is being used and hence it preemptively disabled there.

****VideoMove.V4: VideoMode.V4 (experimental) gives client code an ability to decide when to add frames to a video, calling Bugsee.Snapshot() method. If frames are added rarely, additional CPU and GPU load is relatively small, but the resulting video looks more like a slide show. And vice versa, in case of frequent calls to Bugsee.Snapshot() performance can be influenced essentially, but the resulting video looks better. By default frame is added to a video only on the start of recording and on exception.

Note that it is necessary to enable "Allow unsafe code" option in Player Settings and to execute an additional step, described in "Gather GPU info on Android" section of Installation guide to make VideoMode.V4 work. Also, note that starting with Bugsee Unity SDK 1.7.0 V4 is disabled and unavailable by default. You need to define BUGSEE_VIDEO_V4 to enable VideoMode.V4. The reason for this, as stated above, is that V4 requires unsafe option to be set for the project, which is not usually desired. You can find out how to supply your own #define directives in Platform dependent compilation section of Unity documentation.