Release notes
5.5.5 (February 13 2025)
- Fix: Improve bundle uploading mechanism
- Feat: Internal improvements.
5.5.4 (January 27 2025)
- Fix: Unhandled error may be thrown in WebView when Request/Response body is being locked (i.e. when it's represented as ReadableStream and was already read)
5.5.3 (November 12 2024)
- Fix: Improve crash handling initialization
- Feat: Internal improvements.
5.5.2 (October 4 2024)
- Fix: In some specific scenarios involving fast BG->FB switching, some report data may be lost.
5.5.1 (September 23 2024)
- Fix: In some scenarios captured network events data may include incorrect entries, which breaks the presentation in web dashboard [The presentation workaround is already in place in web viewer]
5.5.0 (September 18 2024)
- Feat: Add new lifecycle events BugseeLifecycleEventReportUploadFailed and BugseeLifecycleEventReportUploadFailedWithFutureRetry
5.4.1 (September 16 2024)
- Fix: Memory leak when video export is triggered from ExtendedReport created via Bugsee.createReport()
5.4.0 (September 16 2024)
- Feat: Add video exporting API to ExtendedReport created via Bugsee.createReport() [learn more]
5.3.2 (September 6 2024)
- Fix: Ensure globally set attributes (via [Bugsee setAttribute]) are also attached to extended reports (created via [Bugsee createReport])
- Fix: Add missing attachments properties and methods to BugseeExtendedReport (created via [Bugsee createReport])
- Fix: In a very rare and outstanding scenarios, crashes may not be handled correctly.
5.3.1 (August 28 2024)
- Fix: Proper key name for "DetectAppExit" launch option [learn more].
5.3.0 (August 27 2024)
- Feat: New application exit detection feature behind the "DetectAppExit" launch option [learn more].
5.2.1 (August 8 2024)
- Fix: Under specific conditions data files in the report bundle (containing logs, network events, etc.) may be duplicated. Backend services and web frontend are able to handle such cases properly.
5.2.0 (July 16 2024)
- Feat: New API to delete all captured/collected data on the disk [learn more].
5.1.1 (June 26 2024)
- Fix: Possible crash when screenshot is being edited in the built-in reporting UI
5.1.0 (June 18 2024)
- Feat: Streaming bug/error/crash data processing, which eliminates the excessive memory usage for large data sets
- Feat: New bug/error/crash report construction pipeline. Now capture is not stopped upon report creation and multiple concurrent reports contain all the data.
- Feat: More reliable report construction and uploading. Now, if application crashes during report generation, it will be re-generated upon next launch.
- Feat: Use more compact format for screenshot to reduce the final report bundle size (the size of data transfer to Bugsee servers)
- Feat: Capture thermal device thermal state (new system trace)
- Feat: Re-prioritize report bundle uploads. This improves the bug/error/crash report upload times and makes it more reliable.
- Fix: Rare memory leak when reporting UI is shown and dismissed
5.0.3 (May 22 2024)
- Feat: Add new API to manually specify secure WebViews
5.0.2 (April 11 2024)
- Feat: Final and complete PrivacyInfo.manifest is now bundled with the SDK
5.0.1 (April 11 2024)
- Note: Broken release, please skip
5.0.0 (December 22 2023)
- Feat: Bitcode support was dropped. Starting with XCode 14 Bitcode is disabled by default.
4.1.0 (October 27 2023)
- Feat: Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy manifest in Bugsee SDK
4.0.1 (September 30 2023)
- Feat: Update bundled ZLIB to version 1.13 to fix all known vulnerabilities
4.0.0 (September 20 2023)
- Feat: Bugsee SDK is ready for iOS 17.
- Breaking change: Minimum deployment target is iOS 11.0.
- Breaking change: Cut off support of ARMv7.
- Note: Underlying Bugsee SDK is built against iOS SDK 15.0.
3.8.1 (September 5 2023)
- Fix: Make secure inputs for payment frameworks (e.g. Stripe) being properly hidden in iOS 17
3.8.0 (August 12 2023)
- Feat: Add new API to manually trigger view hierarchy capturing. Multiple view hierarchies support.
- Fix: Rare crash when report bundle contents may not be fully packed
- Fix: Background color may be incorrect in captured view hierarchy when wide color gamut is used
3.7.5 (August 6 2023)
- Fix: Video shifting in some cases when AVPlayerLayer is used for video capturing and experimental AVPlayerLayer based video capturing is enabled
3.7.4 (July 28 2023)
- Fix: HDR video is now correctly captured in AVPlayerLayer when AVCapture is enabled
- Fix: Some rare crashes when CPU video rendering fallbacks are triggered
3.7.3 (July 25 2023)
- Fix: Prevent overexposure for displayed HDR video in AVPlayerLayer when AVCapture is enabled
3.7.2 (July 19 2023)
- Feat: Performance and stability improvements for AVPlayerLayer based video capturing. Occasional flickering fixed.
3.7.1 (July 11 2023)
- Fix: Improvements and fixes for experimental AVPlayerLayer based video capturing
3.7.0 (July 5 2023)
- Feat: New experimental feature: AVPlayerLayer based video capturing
- Feat: Small video capturing optimization which decreases the CPU/GPU usage a bit
- Fix: Exception may be raised on older platforms (iOS 14 and earlier) in some cases when WebView is present on the screen
3.6.3 (June 27 2023)
- Feat: Internal improvements
3.6.2 (June 20 2023)
- Feat: Internal improvements
3.6.1 (June 8 2023)
- Fix: Incorrect handling of 'monitorNetwork' option during relaunch
3.6.0 (June 4 2023)
- Feat: Improved interaction with the WebView. Now it's stable and captures more network requests.
- Feat: New logException() API which accepts various options
- Feat: Internal improvements
3.5.0 (April 5 2023)
- Feat: Add ability to change placeholder texts in built-in bug reporting UI
3.4.1 (March 23 2023)
- Fix: Rare crash when specific data is being written to Keychain
- Fix: Rare crash when double-tapping the suggestion may crash an app (known iOS bug:
- Fix: Under specific conditions network data could not be intercepted
3.4.0 (March 14 2023)
- Feat: Increase attachments size limit from 1 MB to 3MB
- Fix: Rare crash during logs collection
3.3.3 (February 25 2023)
- Fix: Remove OSLog from dependencies and make SDK be usable on iOS versions below 14
- Fix: Make getting top view correct in all cases
- Fix: Sometimes battery trace may start with incorrect value
3.3.2 (December 26 2022)
- Feat: Make video brightness to be closer to the actual picture brightness on device
3.3.1 (December 15 2022)
- Fix: Build issues with Bugsee.xcframework
3.3.0 (December 14 2022)
- Feat: Extend API (logException/logError/uploadWithSummary) to not include video into a report
- Feat: Extend BugseeDelegate protocol to edit Report Controller fields before/after controller is presented
- Fix: Rare crash during screen recording
- Fix: WKWebView swizzling
- Fix: High severity was always set in Report Controller
3.2.1 (November 9 2022)
- Feat: Better support for Stage Manager on iPad
- Fix: Memory leak in stop-relaunch cycle
- Fix: Rare memory leak in internal logging
- Fix: Rare crash during report construction due to race
- Fix: Rare crash during network interception due to race
3.2.0 (October 31 2022)
- Feat: Mac Catalyst support
- Fix: change URLFileProtection of Bugsee generated files
3.1.2 (October 25 2022)
- Fix: Internal tweaks for wrappers
3.1.1 (October 25 2022)
- Fix: Layout warnings when reporting UI is brought up
- Fix: Rare crash in screenshot generation
- Fix: Possible small memory leaks in internal manipulations
3.1.0 (October 12 2022)
- Fix: Change the file protection of Bugsee generated files
- Fix: Improve capturing of network requests
- Fix: Make a linking to OSLog.framework optional. But it's required if you wish to capture OSLog print statements
- Fix: Internal race condition fix
3.0.0 (September 1 2022)
- Feat: Improve handling of directly logged exceptions
- Feat: Implement synchronous crash reporting to let Bugsee send early crashes (the ones happening on application launch)
- Feat: Full iOS 16 support
- Feat: Lots of tiny improvements
- Feat: Add OSLog support
- Fix: Properly handle incorrect values used for custom attributes
- Fix: Small memory leak in network interception mechanism
- Fix: Memory leak in crash handling mechanism
- Fix: Crash in video capture pipeline in certain conditions
- Fix: Rare unhandled exception when working with internal ZIP files
- Breaking: Minimal iOS version is now set to 9.0
2.1.8 (May 23 2022)
- Fix: Race condition in video capture which leads to a crash in some cases
2.1.7 (May 5 2022)
- Fix: Rare crash in video capturing pipeline
2.1.6 (April 28 2022)
- Feat: Update embedded ZLIB to the latest version to fix all known vulnerabilities
2.1.5 (April 14 2022)
- Feat: Improve reports to include the latest actual system traces when there is no free disk space on device.
2.1.4 (April 6 2022)
- Feat: Improve network requests capturing
- Feat: Custom view hierarchy capturing
2.1.3 (March 27 2022)
- Fix: Improve korean text input handling in built-in reporting UI (Bug report dialog)
2.1.2 (March 23 2022)
- Fix: In some specific scenarios, korean text input may not be correctly handled in built-in reporting UI (Bug report dialog)
2.1.1 (March 22 2022)
- Feature: Internal improvements
2.1.0 (March 5 2022)
- Helper scripts: Use Python3 to run BugseeAgent
- Helper scripts: BugseeClean step is not necessary starting from 2.1.0
2.0.4 (February 10 2022)
2.0.3 (February 1 2022)
2.0.2 (January 26 2022)
- Fix: Under some conditions application may crash due to the incorrect video capture initialization
2.0.1 (December 15 2021)
- Fix: In some rare cases not all crash reports may be sent to the server upon next relaunch
2.0.0 (December 13 2021)
- Feat: Bugsee SDK is built with the latest iOS 15.0
- Feat: CocoaPods is distributed as dynamic XCFramework
1.28.5 (November 18 2021)
- Fix: Improve network events de-duplication mechanism
- Feat: Further improvements for Carthage and SPM artifacts
1.28.4 (November 15 2021)
- Fix: Proper artifacts for Carthage and SPM
1.28.3 (November 11 2021)
- Fix: Proper architectures in standalone fat lib
1.28.2 (November 9 2021)
- Fix: Ensure unsafe APIs are not used in App extensions
- Fix: Possible crash when launch from App extension
1.28.1 (October 19 2021)
- Fix: Crash on launch in some specific scenarios
1.28.0 (September 14 2021)
- Feat: Do not bundle i386 arch for simulator slice in XCFramework any more
- Fix: Improve SPM support
- Fix: Improve hidden fields handling in WKWebView pages
- Fix: Use proper colors for dark/light modes
1.27.4 (July 12 2021)
- Fix: Trigger callback passed to launchWithToken (regardless of the result) when Bugsee is being launched in Simulator
1.27.3 (May 13 2021)
- Fix: Rare crash when data serialization not possible
- Fix: Do not merge errors with different domain
- Feat: Add initial support for XCF in Carthage
1.27.2 (Feb 24 2021)
- Fix: Rare crash when multiple WKWebView instances share the same configuration and internal state
- Fix: Always trigger callback passed to launchWithToken (regardless of the result)
1.27.1 (Feb 20 2021)
- Fix: Bugsee agent missing from Carthage package
- Add Swift Package Manager, see (installation) for details.
1.27.0 (Jan 2 2021)
- Feat: Bugsee is now shipped as an XCFramework, this is in order to support XCode builds on M1 based computers. Note: Bugsee is not supported on Simulators still, but the change fixes a build issue resulted by conflicting arm64 implementations.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you're using CocoaPods 1.10.0 or later, as in earlier versions of CocoaPods there was a bug with correct slice selection from XCFramework, which will lead to the build failure.
1.26.2 (Oct 19 2020)
- Fix: Network interception on iOS 14
1.26.1 (Sep 24 2020)
- Fix: Keyboard is not shown in some cases when was previously hidden in the default Bugsee reporting UI
- Feat: Interaction events are now automatically enabled (if they were disabled) when reporting UI is brought up and are automatically reverted (if required) upon its dismissal
1.26.0 (Aug 15 2020)
- Fix: Crash during on-device symbolication (disabled by default)
- Fix: Crash when attempting to obtain WiFi information in some cases due to insufficient permissions (controlled by CaptureDeviceAndNetworkNames which is now disabled by default)
- Fix: Improve network requests interception when there are other data collection/interception SDKs in use
- Fix: Keyboard no showing after screenshot deletion in bug reporting UI
- Feat: Improve video capturing. This fixes the absence of video in some cases when application is moving in/out of background
1.25.6 (Apr 28 2020)
- Fix: Problems with application UI after Bugsee Reporting dialog or Feedback dialog is dismissed
1.25.5 (Apr 7 2020)
- Fix: Disable on-device symbolication by default to prevent application crash
1.25.4 (Mar 27 2020)
- Fix: Sometimes HTTP response headers were not captured
- Fix: Sometimes extra view were left after reporting UI disposal
1.25.3 (Jan 19 2020)
- Fix: In some cases, extra view was left open after report dialog closing
1.25.2 (December 11 2019)
- Fix: Revert fix for symbolicator
1.25.1 (December 9 2019)
- Fix: Remove some of the leftovers of UIWebView
- Fix: Rare crash in symbolicator
1.25.0 (November 25 2019)
- Feat: labels managing via API and UI
- Feat: detect memory footprint
- Feat: remove support for deprecated UIWebView
- Fix: Respect UI safe areas in Feedback
1.24.1 (October 30 2019)
- Feat: DarkMode support for iOS 13+
- Fix: Rare crash in Feedback when scrolling
- Fix: Get rid of retain cycle in views management
- Fix: Wrong screenshot is captured when keyboard is displayed
1.24.0 (October 24 2019)
- Feat: Add an option to override report video
- Feat: Add a set of launch options to make input fields in reporting UI mandatory
- Feat: Add two new life cycle events: BeforeReportAssembled and AfterReportAssembled
- Fix: Crash in NSURLSession when delegate was not supplied during instantiation (iOS 13 only)
1.23.12 (October 3 2019)
- Fix: Properly work with modal windows
- Fix: Properly export BugseeMonitorBluetoothStatusKey
1.23.11 (October 1 2019)
- Fix: Rare screenshot capturing crash
1.23.10 (September 27 2019)
- Fix: Make input fields in reporting UI always accessible
1.23.9 (September 15 2019)
- Fix: Another crash in video rendering pipeline
1.23.8 (September 10 2019)
- Fix: Crash in video rendering pipeline
1.23.7 (August 29 2019)
- Fix: Remove dependency for IOSurface
1.23.6 (August 27 2019)
- Fix: crashes in rendering pipeline
- Fix: input does not work in reporting UI on iOS 13
1.23.5 (August 14 2019)
- Fix: add custom attributes size limitation
1.23.4 (August 11 2019)
- Revert: Fix: Wrong video scale in Zoom mode on iPadOS
1.23.3 (August 10 2019)
- Fix: Wrong video scale in Zoom mode on iPadOS
1.23.2 (June 27 2019)
- Fix: Memory leak in reporting controller
1.23.1 (June 21 2019)
- Fix: Fix video capture on iOS 13
1.23.0 (June 20 2019)
- Feature: Add launch option to enable/disable bluetooth state monitoring. From now on, bluetooth monitoring is disabled by default due to privacy/security restrictions in iOS (read more).
1.22.1 (May 29 2019)
- Fix: Crashes in video capturing pipeline (Various Metal-related crashes)
1.22.0 (May 16 2019)
- Feature: Lifecycle events support added
- Feature: Custom report creation and upload mechanism added
1.21.5 (May 1 2019)
- Feature: Add launch option to enable/disable View hierarchy capturing
1.21.4 (Apr 16 2019)
- Fix: Properly pick class names in all cases
1.21.3 (Apr 14 2019)
- Fix: Crash in A/V players interception mechanisms in some cases
1.21.2 (Apr 2 2019)
- Fix: Rare bug in memory releasing mechanism for video capture
1.21.1 (Mar 26 2019)
- Fix: View hierarchy dumping may cause a crash in some rare conditions
1.21.0 (Mar 7 2019)
- Feature: View hierarchy is now captured for bug reports
- Feature: Touches are now contain more information about the target view (ID, tag, class)
1.20.2 (Feb 25 2019)
- Bug fix: Improve memory management in rendering pipeline
1.20.1 (Jan 26 2019)
- Bug fix: Refactor WebView events swizzling to prevent failure in some cases.
- Update instructions in build scripts
- Other stability improvements
1.20.0 (Jan 22 2019)
- Bug fix: Fix dSYM uploading issue that is caused by race when new Apple's build system is used. Two separate scripts are now should be used. Take a look here and here for more information and detailed instructions.
- Bug fix: Fix potential problem in WebKit events swizzling mechanism
1.19.4 (Jan 10 2019)
- Maintenance release primarily required for React Native and Cordova wrappers
1.19.3 (Jan 10 2019)
- Feature: Add new method signature for logException that accepts completion block to react to actual async operation completion
1.19.2 (Jan 8 2019)
- Bug fix: Fix bug in that could lead to an app crash when some of the deprecated UI elements are used.
1.19.1 (Jan 1 2019)
- Bug fix: Fix bug in rendering pipeline that could lead to an app crash in some cases
1.19.0 (Dec 21 2018)
- Feature: New video capture implementation. It's up to 10x more performant and prevents device overheating.
- Other stability improvements
1.18.16 (Oct 7 2018)
- Bug fix: In some scenarios, HTTP headers could be incorrectly recorded
- Bug fix: Network events for media players were incorrectly captured
1.18.15 (Sep 18 2018)
- Bug fix: Fix iOS12 crash when handling extended crash data
- Bug fix: Handle network interception when form sending files
- Bug fix: Fix issue with framework signing (extra files in folder)
1.18.10 (Aug 14 2018)
- Feature: Add Battery/Carrier/SSID traces
- Feature: Add getDeviceId()
- Bug fix: Fixes for iOS12+
1.18.9 (Jul 19 2018)
- Feature: Added CaptureDeviceAndNetworkNames launch option for privacy read more
- Bug fix: Handle hidden fields in Polymer/Shadow DOM properly
1.18.5 (May 25 2018)
- Feature: Add Carthage support read more
- Bug fix: Do not disable battery monitoring if it was enabled by the app
- Stability bug fixes
1.18.0 (Apr 5 2018)
- Feature: Stop and Relaunch SDK read more
- Feature: Mark secure elements by coordinates read more
- Feature: Extended crash info is now available on some crashes
- Minor bug fixes
1.17.20 (Mar 9 2018)
1.17.17 (Feb 28 2018)
- Feature: Add a way to customize Bugsee UI read more
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.17.12 (Feb 14 2018)
- Bug fix: Bug priority setting ignored when reporting manually
- Bug fix: Incorrect orientation reported if it changed during background period
- Bug fix: Incorrect call stack reported for logError API.
- Bug fix: Removed openGLES and Quartz dependencies from CocoaPod spec, they are not needed
1.17.10 (Jan 29 2018)
- Bug fix: Removed redundant class pre-loads
- Bug fix: Ad-Hoc and Debug are detected as TestFlight distribution
1.17.9 (Jan 24 2018)
- Update Podfile to download zip from https link to avoid CocoaPods warnings
1.17.8 (Jan 23 2018)
- Bug fix: Treat launch options properly when app launched by push/background
1.17.7 (Jan 19 2018)
- Bug fix: Prevent feedback manager accessing files during background push case
- Bug fix: Incorrect initialization of CFMutableData object in network capture
1.17.4 (Jan 15 2018)
- Bug fix: Max body size option was not properly used in some launch configurations
- Bug fix: Fix linking error with latest Xamarin release
1.17.0 (Jan 9 2018)
- Feature: Filter system for console logs read more
- Feature: UDP network monitoring
- Feature: Better distribution detection (AppStore/TestFlight,Enterprise, MDM, Ad-Hoc)
- Feature: Improved UIWindow traces (trace all, indicate which were recorded)
1.16.5 (Nov 30 2017)
- Feature: Screenshot is now available in VideoLess mode read more
- Feature: Localization for report controller was added (currently RU locale only)
- Feature: Major refactor of a tracing system to reduce and isolate Bugsee heap footprint
1.16.4 (Nov 13 2017)
- Bug fix: Hiding private views on iPhone X
- Feature: Additional parameter to control video down-scaling read more
1.16.1 (Nov 4 2017)
- Bug fix: Video scaling fix for iPhone X
1.16.0 (Nov 1 2017)
- Feature: Screenshot is now available in VideoLess mode read more
- Feature: Localization for report controller was added (currently RU locale only)
- Feature: Major refactor of a tracing system to reduce and isolate Bugsee heap footprint
- Feature: Added 'WifiOnlyUpload' option to allow uploading issues only on WiFi read more
- Updated build SDK to 11.1
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.15.5 (Oct 11 2017)
- Fixed proper video scaling for legacy applications in zoomed mode.
1.15.4 (Oct 4 2017)
- Fixed bug preventing report controller to be closed on IOS 11
- Updated build SDK to 11
1.15.3 (Oct 2 2017)
- Added frame rate low/med/high setting read more
1.15.1 (Sep 5 3017)
- Various bug fixes for Xamarin interoperability
- Removed stack trace collection for application kills
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.15.0 (Aug 23 2017)
- Feature: Proper support for CocoaLumberJack in Swift
- Feature: Better support for wrappers (Xamarin, Unity)
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.14.3 (Jul 13 2017)
1.14.1 (Jun 13 2017)
- Feature: User Feedback read more
- Bug fixes: Better handling of hidden views, more accurate detection
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.13.0 (Apr 7 2017)
- Feature: Refactor logging capturing system to produce cleaner logs
- Feature: Better handling of multi-window hierarchies, lower cpu load.
- Feature: Auto-hide CC text fields in common payment libraries (Stripe, Braintree,
- Feature: Add React native custom logger read more
- Bug fix: Incorrect addresses in C++ exceptions in some cases
1.12.6 (Mar 15 2017)
- Bug fix: Rename methods to prevent link conflicts with user library
1.12.5 (Mar 9 2017)
- Bug fix: Fix simulator (i386) linkage errors for users of custom attachments and custom loggers.
1.12.3, 1.12.4 (Mar 8 2017)
- Bug fix: Properly handle non-ascii characters in logs
1.12.2 (Mar 6 2017)
- Bug fix: Properly handle older internal file format pending logs
1.12.1 (Mar 5 2017)
- Rename global function to avoid name collision with another framework
1.12.0 (Mar 3 2017)
- Feature: Reduce Pod size by removing unused i386
- Bug fix: Proper support for dynamic framework dSYM files upload
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.11.8 (Feb 8 2017)
- Bug fix: Date strings within logs were treated as beginning of newlines.
1.11.7 (Feb 7 2017)
- Bug fix: More stability fixes for CocoaLumberjack logger
1.11.6 (Feb 6 2017)
- Bug fix: Custom formatter for CocoaLumberjack was crashing
- Added LICENSE file
1.11.5 (Feb 5 2017)
- Feature: Mark BugseeNetworkEvent properties as nullable to make Swift mark them as optionals.
- Increase custom attachment size to 10mb
1.11.4 (Jan 31 2017)
- Bug fix: Refactor CocoaLumberjack logger to allow custom loggers
- Add option to disable auto console log capture
1.11.3 (Jan 23 2017)
- Bug fix: Various bug fixes for video-less recording modes
1.11.2 (Jan 17 2017)
- Bug fix: Various bug fixes for network capture mechanisms
1.11.0 (Jan 10 2017)
- Feature: Always hide secure text fields, not only under focus
- Feature: WebView secure fields detection and concealment in dynamically created DOM
- Feature: Better support for apps with multiple windows
- Feature: New reporting UI, screenshot is attached now by default
- Feature: On device symbolication for frameworks.
- Feature: BugseeAgent script support for Fastlane integration
- Feature: Graceful degradation when running low on disk space, first video stops recording then the rest.
- Experimental: Detect abnormal application kills. read more
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.10.2 (Dec 26 2016)
- Feature: Now all console logs are properly captured
- Upload mechanism improved to work properly on slow network and upload in the background
- Various bug fixes, mostly stability issues
1.9.0 (Oct 18 2016)
- Feature: Interception of Ajax network traffic with WebViews
- Feature: APIs for Swift refactored for 3.0 to be more swift-like
- Feature: Automatic top view detection for React Native apps using NavigatorIOS
- Bug fix: Various fixed for stability issues introduced by iOS 10.0
- Bug fix: Symbol files uploading fixed, in some cases dSYM files failed to upload
1.8.0 (Aug 25 2016)
- Feature: Remove bundle from the package, one less thing to copy during manual install
- Feature: Allow users to add attachments to the report through delegate read more
- Optimizations: Optimize start up time
- Bug fix: Make symbol collection agent truly run in the background
- Big fix: Various bug fixes for Cordova applications
1.7.0 (Jul 28 2016)
- Feature: Body and Headers of network requests are now being recorded (json/xml/text under 5K in size only)
- Feature: More robust filtering mechanism for cleaning sensitive data from network logs
- Feature: User can now add annotations to the last recorded screenshot before sending
- Feature: Better support for C++ crash call stacks where possible
- Feature: Record keyWindow in traces
- Feature: Proper support for iPad Pro split view
- Bug fix: Better crash report recovery: less reports with missing video and/or traces
- Bug fix: Improved overall stability, multiple issues resolved
1.6.0 (Jun 7 2016)
- Bug fix: Window now doesn't affect orientations/status bar styles
- Feature: Improve crash report recovery
- Feature: Automatic icon extraction by Bugsee Agent at build
- Feature: Support for multiple dSYM files per application (dynamic frameworks)
1.5.7 (Jun 2 2016)
- Bug fix: Proper network handling for special URL types
- Bug fix: Refactor UI controller to prevent interaction with user controls.
1.5.6 (May 29 2016)
- Bug fix: Handle the case when Bugsee initialized before all windows
1.5.5 (May 25 2016)
- Feature: Added email set/get/clear API read more
- Bug Fix: Namespace collision with ZipArchive
1.5.3 (May 24 2016)
- Visual tweaks to report controller
1.5.2 (May 20 2016)
- Bug fix: Handle nil properly when writing events
1.5.1 (May 13 2016)
- Bug fix: Video crash related to Apple handling of memory pools
- UI tweaks to report controller
1.5.0 (May 11 2016)
- Feature: Our report UI now has an optional field to add your email. Enter it once (tap on the gear), and all your reports will now be grouped under your name.
- Feature:Improve network error handling.
- Feature: Improve Swift Apps crash report symbolication.
- Performance and stability fixes across the board.
1.4.5 (Apr 26 2016)
- Maintenance release, many stability fixes
1.4.2 (Mar 28 2016)
- Feature: Network capture had been added. NSURLSession and NSURLConnection requests
are being logged now. Network traffic from UIWebKit and WKWebKit are being logged as well.
- Preliminary support for hiding sensitive fields (passwords) within WebViews has been implemented.
- Stability issues resolves (major cause of a rare but nasty crash was eliminated)
1.3.5 (Mar 8 2016)
- Stability issues resolved
- Bug fix: Namespace collision with Reachability library
- Feature: Pause/Resume APIs to have the ability to avoid recording sensitive screens.
1.3.4 (Mar 1 2016)
- Feature: Added BITCODE support, now applications using BITCODE can compile with Bugsee
1.3.3 (Feb 29 2016)
- Bug fix: Support old applications which do not have "window" property in their app delegate
- Feature: Detect when the debugger is attached and don't start Bugsee crash reporting, let XCode handle it
1.3.2 (Feb 28 2016)
- Feature: Prevent Bugsee from running on IOS older than 8.0 and the simulators
- Bug fixes
1.3.1 (Feb 25 2016)
- Feature: Gather dispatch queues latencies as traces (main UI and default ones)
- Feature: When video recovery fails, produce a proper recording with no video
- Bug fix: Various fixes for 32bit systems
1.3.1 (Feb 22 2016)
- Feature: New refactored mechanism for video recording, requires less memory and CPU
- Feature: Properly track background time, record no video (black frame) when in background
- Feature: Logging levels added for NSLog, Bugsee.log() and CocoaLumberjack logs.
- Bug fix: Add support for 32bit systems